Saturday, September 22, 2007

Why Java programmers are afraid of dynamic typing

Read the Ruby blogs. All hardcode Java programmers are described as being "afraid" of moving to dynamic typing. One post goes as far as saying that Java programmers feel that static typing gives them a sense of security, because they fear that their fellow Java programmers are idiots.

The article is right, but for the wrong reasons. Now I know why Java programmers are afraid of moving to dynamic typing: as long as their programs use static typing, they can rest assured that no Rubyist will join their team and make the same old mistakes in a brand new way :-)


Anonymous said...

i think one argument that is forgotten is that ruby is language for people that speak perfect english and never make mistake in their sentences. I used to work a lot with javascript and if i got error because in code i wrote nxet instead of next i hated it. Ruby people dont mind those kind of errors or never make them.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes. Dukc typing: if it wlaks like a dukc, and kuacqs like a dukc, it might well be a duck after all.